Sharing of overall solutions for printing and dyeing smart factories


Sharing of overall solutions for printing and dyeing smart factories

01 Preface

With the changes in the international and domestic macroeconomic situation, the domestic printing and dyeing industry is currently facing multiple pressures such as the appreciation of the renminbi, export restrictions, domestic raw material prices, and rising labor costs. The transformation and upgrading of the printing and dyeing industry cluster is imminent.

02 Enterprise needs and dilemmas

Before the construction of the information workshop, the current production status and main management pain points of printing and dyeing enterprises are summarized as follows:

  • The dyeing and finalizing sections have their own production plans, and there is no unified coordination of production, resulting in frequent idle dyeing tanks, frequent tank washing, and backlog of semi-finished products in the transfer area;
  • Product quality is unstable: the process cannot be directly delivered to the machine, the manual input of the cloth meter is not accurate, the manual intervention is too many, the dyeing pass rate is not high, which affects customer satisfaction;
  • Extensive production process control: The production plan of each process station is not precise, and the lack of control over the production process of workers and the operation of semi-finished products leads to confusion, and even the loss of semi-finished products of customer grey fabrics, which affects the implementation of production plans and product quality;
  • The equipment in the workshop production line is isolated without networking, and the equipment and production-related personnel cannot monitor the operating status of the workshop equipment at any time.
  • The consumption of dyeing auxiliaries, water and electricity consumption is huge, energy consumption data is missing, the real cause of waste cannot be found, and there is no direction to reduce energy consumption.

03 MES system architecture

The overall system architecture is divided into three parts, namely, the production plan APS, the production process control MES and the field equipment monitoring SCADA. The central MES system is positioned at the production management level, responsible for issuing production tasks, summarizing production data, tracking production progress, worker production planning, production history statistics, etc. The SACDA system is positioned at the production execution level of the workshop production line, responsible for receiving production tasks, workshop data collection, production process recording, etc.

04Main functions

1. Production scheduling

(1) Order acquisition and decomposition

After the customer places an order, the MES system obtains the customer order from the ERP, and the grey fabric is stored in the warehouse. The MES system completes the customer blank order classification card opening and repair card opening functions.

A. After the customer's grey cloth enters the factory, the grey cloth code sheet and grey cloth warehouse inventory information management

B. Order opening

According to the customer order information and the grey fabric information, a production work order-a process card is generated. (Minimum production unit of dye vat)

  • Click the color order to get the main information of the unopened order in the system. After selecting the color order in the list, the system will automatically fill in the order information into the interface, such as the customer, product specifications, process requirements, and gray fabric batches. Time, special requirements, etc.
  • Select production parameters, including the number of grey fabrics, the number of production cylinders, wage coefficients, etc.
  • Then select the specific dyeing and finalizing process types. These processes are the dyeing process database edited and maintained in the system in advance, and the dyeing process and finalizing process types to be executed during production are selected according to the customer's order requirements and product specifications.
  • Finally, select the process path and click on the process type number to formulate the specific production process.
(2) System intelligent auxiliary production scheduling

The relationship between the current product and the product determines the types of products that can be produced by the production line, as well as the standard tempo and standard labor for producing a certain product.

The interface displays the real-time production progress and production plan of the shop order.

Dyeing vat intelligent production scheduling: MES system organizes a series of production scheduling rules based on the experience of the dyeing workshop arranging master: including dyeing vat priority, equipment capacity balance, customer order priority, order delivery date, special process, etc. Before the scheduling calculation, the user can edit the priority of the scheduling rules at will; including the rule order of dyeing vat and process card selection, the system can make plans according to different rule priorities.

(3) Manual revision of scheduling

Develop production plans for dyeing and finalizing sections, with operations such as adding, editing, deleting, and assembling cylinders, and printing and issuing plans.

Dyeing manual scheduling

(4) Maintenance of basic data

Process data, equipment basic information, equipment maintenance data, etc. used in maintenance scheduling, with operations such as adding, editing, deleting, and querying.

Process basic data maintenance: The system sets the process parameter range and saves the process name. It also supports maintenance and editing functions such as modification and deletion.

2. Process and quality control

(1) Equipment data collection and control

It mainly includes data collection and control of key equipment such as cloth spreading, dyeing vat, shaping, rolling, etc., to achieve accurate control of the production process and reduce the adverse effects caused by manual intervention.

Dyeing vat monitoring: mainly the operation status of the dyeing vat, products being processed, process execution status, real-time process parameters, historical curves, etc.

Select a dye vat to view detailed dye vat production steps, current temperature, flow, water level and other process parameters, and also view the production history of the first few vats of the dye vat

(2) Production process selection

This interface is to realize the binding and modification of each process card and the corresponding dyeing and setting process before production. During the production process, the corresponding process is automatically selected according to the number of spread meters.

(3) Dyeing proofing management

This interface implements operations such as formulating and issuing production plans for each production line, and has functions such as manual order placement and batch import of production plans.

Dyeing proofing management

(4) Material control

After the feeding formula is issued, the worker clicks on the production link to select the content of feeding aids and dyes. The system can directly obtain the formula and work order information, control the PLC pipeline to directly feed, and record the history of materials.

3. Production progress tracking

(1) Production plan issuance and progress statistics

This interface is used to display the production tasks and completion status of each process every day.

Overview of production progress

(2) Job reporting interface

This interface is used for workers to report work and deal with feedback that some plans cannot be executed normally.

4. Semi-finished products running

(1) AGV control

This module mainly includes docking with the AGV control system, issuing production commands in the production plan, and accepting feedback from the AGV at the same time to update the cargo location status in the cache area in real time.

Operation control interface of cloth car AGV

On-site AGV operation cloth frame

(2) Visualization of the buffer area

This interface realizes the visual display of the status of the storage area in the cache area, reminds the abnormal color of the cloth in the cache area for too long time; manual modification and editing of the shelf status in the cache area

Cache visualization

05. Application effect

Through the construction of automation, digitization, and information system projects, Yakong Technology helps companies achieve upgrading and transformation in terms of production planning, process control, logistics transfer, quality management, and equipment monitoring.

Through the realization of the intelligent optimization of production scheduling in the printing and dyeing workshop, the production process data collection and control, the production process control and distribution, and the establishment of big data models for accurate statistical analysis of production costs, the realization of pre-production preparation, process optimization, and post-production analysis to achieve full production Process control mode. From planning management to on-site implementation of personnel, equipment, and material data, realize closed-loop management and control of production data from source to end.

After Yakong's MES system was launched, the quantifiable effect of the workshop customer's production workshop in optimizing the existing business:

  • The production scheduling cycle is shortened from more than 1 hour before implementation to less than 30 minutes;
  • The first pass rate of dyeing has increased from less than 95% before implementation to 2-5% after implementation;
  • The time for complete set of shop orders has been shortened from 1.5 days before implementation to about 4 hours;
  • Before the implementation, the inventory of semi-finished products has fluctuated from high to low, which is seriously imbalanced, and inventory backlogs often occur. After the implementation, the inventory turnover rate will increase by 10%;
  • The processing cycle of a product before the implementation takes a long time, generally it takes 3 days to complete the processing, and it can be completed within 1 day after implementation.

The plan can be implemented quickly, while reducing enterprise investment, ensuring that small and medium-sized enterprises can also quickly transform, and build a batch of new printing and dyeing enterprises with "mass customization, flexible customization, rapid response, and green environmental protection" characteristics.