
WellinTech provides software designer and SCADA software for helping the university.

Lets connect

Wellintech Lab

WeillinTech will provide different SCADA software according to the different environment and requirements of universities
for free, and technical support for SCADA software will be provided in the future if necessary.


WellinTech provides software designer and SCADA software for helping the university to establish "Wellintech Software Joint Lab".
During the operating of the project, WeillinTech will provide different SCADA software according to the different
environment and requirements of universities for free, and technical support for SCADA software will be provided in the future if
necessary. In addition, WellinTech could provide training with updated training materials for the provided SCADA software.

WellinTech has relationships with about 100 universities in China including Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing University
of Science, Dalian University of Technology and Tianjin University, etc.

  • Beijing Institute of Technology
  • Beijing University of Science
  • Dalian University of Technology
  • Tianjin University

"WellinTech Joint Venture Automation Lab" was praised by the community and university. This project not only provides a good
SCADA study and practice environment but also updates SCADA software in universities and increase the popularity of
automation education in universities. In addition, it provides students with life-long experience and paves the
way to enter the field of automation.

Wellintech Lab Procedure

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text
ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived
not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting.

Communicate with the cooperation project and investigate environment of Laboratory.
Send the agreement and activity content to the manager of department.
Determine the edition of software and project starting time.
Sign the agreement on both sides.
Determine the laboratory launching time.
Plan for software training and award training certification.
Provide technical supporting.

"WellinTech Joint Venture Automation Lab" was praised by the community and university. This project not only provides a good
SCADA study and practice environment but also updates SCADA software in universities and increase the popularity of
automation education in universities. In addition, it provides students with life-long experience and paves the
way to enter the field of automation.

Established Labs

WellinTech provides software designer and SCADA software for helping
the university to establish "Wellintech Software Joint Lab".

Contact us now to discuss about Wellintech Lab Cooperation


  • India: Wellintech Lab at Mumbai University
  • Canada: Wellintech Lab at McMaster University
  • Pakistan: Wellintech Lab at COMSATS University

What’s on our Minds